Custom Fonts popover doesn't start the upload

Hi, there seems the upload fonts popover is not starting the uploads. Seems to be a regression?

Hi @liweihan :wave:

What do you mean? You are trying to upload a font and it doesn’t appear to be working?

From your screenshot, it looks like you were able to upload SF-Pro.ttf so I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to.

Here’s the add font files popup in action in case it helps:

CleanShot 2023-11-30 at 17.23.42

thanks Joyce, I thought the white divider was a progress bar and therefore I thought it never started uploading lol.

Anyway, I got it mostly working, but I noticed the uploading is not stable somehow, about half of the font files are missing after save. I have to re-upload, and again, about half are missing. So I end uploading one by one.

Here are the oft files I uploaded, 18 otf files for SF Pro Font.