Zapier Webhook Help

I’m wondering if anyone has any info or guides / Videos on sending a POST request to a Zapier Webhook. Right now I have it setup like this:

And this is the error I get when I hit the test button:

I’ve never really struggled with Webhooks in the past but this is my first go at it with WeWeb. Typically I’d send to a Webhook from the backend for this but I have my reasons for trying to avoid it in this specific use case.

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Try enabling “make this request through a server”. Has fixed network errors for me in the past.

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keep in mind that when a server doesn’t handle CORS and gives you a network error in the browser it’s a good sign that the endpoint was not meant to be called from the browser and it’s assuming you make your requests from a secure server that you control. It’s better to check that you are not using secret data that is not meant to be shared in a browser environment.

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Zapier triggers are largely fire-and-forget. The REST plugin thinks you care about the response, but I bet you really don’t. You can get it to send (without erroring out) through a custom javascript action, which is how I would do it.

something like:

fetch(“…”, { headers: {“Content-Type”: “application/json”}, method: “POST”, body: …);

Depending on how you are using this, navigator.sendBeacon might be the right tool for the job too.

The details of how to do this largely rest on the logic of the body itself. But it doesn’t have to be crazy challenging!

These kinds of trickier network relationship problems come up a lot as part of our “hardest 5%” in State Change office hours and discussions.

Same bug here.

Postman works well.

Where I enable this option? Take screenshot please?

The behavior should be that Zapier receives the webhook, sends a response without CORS headers, and Weweb won’t use it - throwing an error. If that’s the case, you can ignore the error since Zapier webhooks are fire-and-forget anyway.