YouTube Plugin - Loop trying to set value for current time

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. Would appreciate if you could please share your thoughts on the below.

Context: I have been using the Youtube Video Plugin in the app i am building.
When i turn on the debugger/logger, i find that it’s trying to “set value for current time”, not sure where is this configuration, but it kind of keeps running in a loop. See attached pic.

Wondering if anyone else found a way to configure this. Thanks

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It’s just updating the value that is exposed from the video where you can access the current video time

Is there anything you’d like to do with this information?

Thanks for the response Luka.
No I don’t plan to do much with this info, i was just worried why is it going into a loop. Seemed unnecessary cpu usage, not to mention it was clogging up the debugging panel.
Is there anyway we can avoid running this loop? I want to be able to use the YT plugin, without getting my debug panel clogged up.
Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

Hey @luka I’m facing the same issue.
This seems a memory leak on the application.
Apart from that, it’s super annoying, because it makes impossible to debug any other thing on the same page as the video is inserted, because the “set value for current time” is looping infinitely.
Any thoughts on that?

cc @Joyce

I’m making a ticket to remove this log from the Debug panel, will keep you posted in this thread

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same here, anyone got succes on resolving this issue?

Same here also.
I don’t think there’s an update on this ticket

you can just remove the Verbose filter in the debug window. :smiley: