Video Player Current Time

Hi, I’m using the VideoPlayer and I noticed there is a built in variable for “Cuurrent Time”. How do I get it to track this? It seems as though the component would do this automatically but it doesnt seem to. Unless its just not doing it in the editor?

Hey @mark!
Just to be sure I understand. Do you mean that when you play the video, the “Current Time” variable doesn’t update and stays stuck at 0?
If that’s not the problem, could you please explain a little more what you’re trying to do, please?

Hi @mark - did you ever get this figured out? I’m in exactly the same boat with wanting to get the Current time from the Video player.

in the new “Logs” that appear in the Navigator sidepanel I can see that it is tracking, but how do I get access to it ?

There probably is like a “lightning bolt” icon in your workflows when you add them directly onto the main element not on wrappers and when you choose the different triggers.

Hi @Broberto - thanks for responding, but I’m not sure what you mean. I’m not trying to add anything, but instead get the current playtime for the Video component. If you have the time to show me via an image or clear instructions that would be great.

I’ll try tomorrow evening, but basically you’re not adding anything, just creating a workflow, never used a video player tho, I’d have to look into it)

@Alexander_L the time should be accessible as a component variable
(there is a small display bug for this variable in the log panel which should be fixed very soon).

Hi. thanks for the screenshot. I got it all hooked up, and it is working great. As per @mark , I used the video component to play an audio, as it allowed me to hood into the play, pause and seek functionality and then built my own play/pause button, progress indicator and time stamp.

Works like a charm:

Hi, This is a great item. I am also working on the video element and can play one fine.
However, I cant seem to find where I can “control” the video by commands (not what the user presses)?
I see you can hook into the play, pause and seek functionality and may have some tips to share?