Xano Posting Data - Date

Can you describe the steps of your workflow that are generating the error?

I tried and it just works.

Here is my setup:

  • Create an example table whit a field called “dob” of type timestamp.

  • Create a record in the table.

  • Add xano plugin to the data sources in weweb and setup api key and instance.

  • Create an example form with a date picker.

  • Add a workflow to the form container “on submit” with a xano request Action.

  • Set the options of the request action to pint to the right xano endpoint. Modify the first record in the table.

  • For the field “dob” bind the value to the date picker transforming the date into a timestamp.

  • Test the workflow. It just works.

Things to notice:

  • if you need a date in xano use the timestamp type
  • the nocode timestamp function in weweb returns milliseconds, the same of what xano requires for timestamp. No need for other conversions.