Date null value from Xano, results in invalid date

Hi there,

I am creating a form that fetches data from Xano. When I get a null value from Xano for a date i get in Weweb an InvalidDate value.

My workaroud is to set a state on the date field and hide it when the date value is null, but this is quit cumbersome.

Question: how can I use null values in date form components?

Hi @FJP84 in programming, ‘null’ values are ‘nothing’, literally. So you cannot ‘use’ nothing to do ‘something’, do you get?

If you have a specific functionality you wanna achieve in mind, feel free to share it. Then folks can help. But I think your work around is just as fine.

Ok thanks. I was expecting that null would leave the datepicker/date component value empty, not causing the invalid date text.

The solution can be found here: Working with timestamps - #23 by dorilama