We use Weweb as a team and haven’t found the best way to collaborate with it. We use it with Xano where we work on branches for each ticket, but there’s no way to work on multiple branches at the same time for editing in Weweb.
How do you collaborate as a team on Weweb and what are your best practices?
Thanks for your help!
Great question. We use a lot of conditional logic (conditional rendering for sections and conditional passthroughs for workflows) where environment =! production.
With that logic, we are then able to develop and test in the editor and staging, and when we’re ready, remove that conditional logic and deprecate the old sections or workflows. Typically, when we do this, we turn the deprecated sections conditional rendering to off and just add a false value to any workflows.
Of course, this requires that we document and communicate clearly where this logic is among the team.
It’s not the cleanest, but it works with us for now with 2 developers.
This is a broad problem in no-code - and one of its best features. A lot of the modern stuff in “pro code” is about protecting teams working on complex applications that are in production. This has increased reliability at the price of making innovation far more expensive. Those protections are a big part of the “pro code” gatekeeping.
All of which is by way of saying that this is not a sorted problem partially because the tech was a reaction to this problem having been sorted in another context, which created another problem. I don’t doubt that the cycle will continue to go round and round - as tools like weweb move upmarket, it needs more of this functionality to close higher-end business that it attracted by making it easier to innovate. But the tension between these needs will be an ongoing - and increasing - challenge.
What do I do? Make more, smaller systems. Accept the idea of rapid prototyping and rebuilding into your setup. Later, as the system requires more scale - because you’ve found paydirt and it is making you money! - consider what tradeoffs you’re looking to make on speed of iteration vs scale and reliability.
LCNC isn’t “pro code but cheaper.” It’s a different mental model that requires different approaches. We’re all still learning them, hence the lack of established best practices. Agencies that innovate on these management models as well as on the technologies will gain strategic advantage in this market.