Weweb upload image to xano ERROR

Hi guys

im having issue with uploading image to xano this is the video explanation

and this is the text explanation

  1. I encoded the file as base64
  2. update a variable with result from encoded file
  3. in xano, i use the function “create image” function
  4. i go to my weweb API collection and test it from there

i’ve followed weweb docs but it always gave me this axios network error, why is that ?

Hi @liam_putra

Question: why are you using the REST API plugin to connect to Xano instead of the Xano Data Source plugin? This is a network issue, most of these issues are caused by your server, not WeWeb: Understanding (and fixing) network errors

The image is correctly being encoded. Are you passing the base64 image as a query string? Why?

I didnt realize i added on query string, should’ve used “fields”

its working fine, thanks for pointing out