Weweb subapps? are they on the roadmap?

wondering if weweb has any plans to implement something like bubble’s subapps? so i make a change to the main app, then can push those changes to the children apps while allowing each subapp to retain it’s own URL

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Hi, they are not. But it could be a nice feature to have. We already have a staging feature, so it would be like having an infinite amount of staging env allowed but for production purpose, not development :thinking:

What’s your usecase ? Why do you need this feature exactly ?

You can submit a feature request so we can explore it and maybe add it to the roadmap. :slight_smile:

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I’d love to see a model like this

Main app (the overall design/logic)

Push down to

Sub apps (their own static collections of data)

So instead of me buying several app plans to allow my clients to white label, I can purchase a sub app seat, then publish that app with its own data.

Same design/logic, different data sets (potentially other unique settings)

End of day; this would still only interest me if I could have more than 4k long static collections to be used for individual seo friendly pages (profile pages in my case)

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Got it.

We are trying to find a nice technical solution to allow SEO friendly dynamic pages, so you would not need to use static page for that anymore :slight_smile:


@jaredgibb whst is the best way to implement this sub app solution in weweb? In other words, how do you push changes to each clients app that is white labeling?

I’m thinking there might be a decent workaround with making each page a component and then sharing the library across each app. Any thoughts on that @Alexis ?