Weweb subapps? are they on the roadmap?

wondering if weweb has any plans to implement something like bubble’s subapps? so i make a change to the main app, then can push those changes to the children apps while allowing each subapp to retain it’s own URL

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Hi, they are not. But it could be a nice feature to have. We already have a staging feature, so it would be like having an infinite amount of staging env allowed but for production purpose, not development :thinking:

What’s your usecase ? Why do you need this feature exactly ?

You can submit a feature request so we can explore it and maybe add it to the roadmap. :slight_smile:

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I’d love to see a model like this

Main app (the overall design/logic)

Push down to

Sub apps (their own static collections of data)

So instead of me buying several app plans to allow my clients to white label, I can purchase a sub app seat, then publish that app with its own data.

Same design/logic, different data sets (potentially other unique settings)

End of day; this would still only interest me if I could have more than 4k long static collections to be used for individual seo friendly pages (profile pages in my case)

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Got it.

We are trying to find a nice technical solution to allow SEO friendly dynamic pages, so you would not need to use static page for that anymore :slight_smile: