Waiting / Loading page

Hello friends!!

I am building with weweb and the experience it’s been cool so far! However, I’ve found an issue I am not able to solve. I am doing a call to a cusom backend, and it takes a while to do the processing (about a minute). The feeling for the user is horrible, is there a way to set up some visual to tell the user the process is being done in the background? Something like a loading page / waiting page

Usually you have isFetching available on collections to know if the data is being loaded still, with that you can show a loader and hide the content

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I have similar issues here.

I have some logic that will navigate the user to the proper page depending on DB calls (using supabase here). By the time weweb gets the data and goes over the logic, the user has the time to see content being displayed and navigation switching between pages.

Maybe there’s a way to manage that on a higher level and display a loading/progress element !?

what is the prossiger for the id login