Hi Community!!
Curious if anyone has gone down this path before. I was recently inspired by Linear.app’s approach to speed where they used IndexedDB api to get <50ms response times between pages.
There is an inherit lag when switching pages in WeWeb and loading new data, so my recent approach has been to send my users to a “loading” screen after login where I fetch 10+ collections on page load and then navigate them to the home screen when complete. The experience is quite nice and the app is much faster, but the second part of this journey is posting updates to the DB.
Currently I am storing all user changes, as much as possible, in an Array variable instead of making a direct DB call, and then POST to a “Staging” table in Xano where I can handle DB changes every 60 seconds via a Xano Task.
@Broberto @caffeinatedwes @jptrinh any thoughts on this approach? Any other best practices you can think of?