Vercel domain help

Hi everyone, I bought a domain via Vercel and am trying to point my Weweb app to it. I added the AWS DNS record and the SSL certificate validation from Weweb. However, when I try to add the redirection, I get the below error. The letsencrypt CAA is required by Vercel, and Vercel doesn’t seem to let you name a CNAME + CAA record w/ same value. But I’m assuming both CAA records here are set up correctly and are necessary. Any guidance? Thank you!

Bump on this! Is no one else using Vercel for DNS management? What providers would you recommend (to avoid the CNAME CAA naming issue)? Thank you so so much!

@Joyce any chance you could help here?

I’m not sure what’s the exact problem since the name and values you get from WeWeb are different from your other values?

Hi Luka, so the name for the CNAME redirection (www) from WeWeb would be the same as the two CAA records already set. I am talking about the below record:

And this record has the same name as the two CAA records (one for Vercel, one for Weweb/AWS).

I think @Alexis might be able to help here more than me

Thanks for your and @Alexis’ time! Really appreciate it.

Hi, I think you should check with Vercel

Maybe in the meantime you can remove now the certificate as it has been verified but if you do that it will not be renewed automatically next year

Hey Alexis- the certificate itself isn’t the issue, the redirection is (in that the www name conflicts w/ the existing www CAA records). Vercel has been unresponsive for the past week or so…not sure how to proceed here. What DNS management providers do Weweb builders typically use?

Mmm I like to use Cloudflare for DNS management. I find them easier to use than most registrars and haven’t run into any limitations yet.

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I mean, it was to remove the conflict and let you enter what you want as cname, as it telling you it cant add a cnam and caa with the same name

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Thank you Alexis and Joyce! Ended up abandoning Vercel and just went with Cloudflare. So much easier + solved. Thanks again for the help!!!