Value of radio buttons in repeating groups (bound collection list)

I am currently trying to find a way to create a radio-selection menu for a bound collection with these features:

  • per group only one radio button can be selected
  • on click of a specific radio button that value is selected

the scenario is the following:

  • I have an object with several product categories
  • each category has different options for sizes (e.g. S,M,L)
  • for each product category I want to select one specific size (radio button) and send that value to Xano

it sounds fairly simple but somehow due to bound collection I cannot get the value of the selected size.

Does anyone know of a workaround or a way to fix this issue?
Any tips are highly appreciated! :slight_smile: thank you

thank you! :slight_smile:
the thing is that this would work if I did not have objects within objects, I believe. When I select one size for one category, the item that shows up as selected is the category, but not the size.

The structure of my data is like this:

Of course a deeper data structure requires some adjustements in the way you update the variables, but it’s the same principle. Try a test on a simpler structure, even if it’s not your use case, and once you grasp the logic you can adapt it to your specific case.

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