Getting value from element

I am trying to set the value of the input shown in the screenshot below into a variable on chance.
I can’t seem to find where to access the value from the input though?
Am I an idiot and it’s starting be in the face? Probably?!

So there is no way to just get the value from the input by choosing it? I looked at the examples you suggested and they don’t seem to be what I’m trying to do. I’m trying to multiply the 777 number by the input number which is currently 1. I want to set that number 1 or whatever I change it to into a variable to be used in a calculation. I can’t see the value of it anywhere after it changes.

If the input is inside a list or repeated elements the value is available in the workflow triggered by the change as explained in the tutorial.

Ok, I’ll have a closer look. Thanks

Thanks. I realised what you meant.

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