Url redirection to the same page appears to clear the auth0 data and other variables

I supply the editor.weweb.io/_idgoeshere_ url as a part of my redirection link to retrieve a browser parameter , this is a part of my authorization flow after clicking the button user is asked permissions from identity provider redirects to my same weweb page but now none of the parameters exist the login using auth0 the access token appears to be gone

Hi @karthik :wave:

Not sure I understand the full context. Would you mind recording a short video walking us through what you’re trying to do and what’s happening?

When i hit the connect button there is a redirection to the same page after a google oauth allow permissions but in production as well as in editor it logs me out of the application after i agree to google permissions, the auth0 metadata are cleared and there is no access token which was obtained on login. as soon as i click connect button the redirection happens to login page

Ok, it would still help to have a video or at least a few more screenshots to see:

  • what redirections you set up in the Auth0 plugin,
  • what page the user is on when they log in, and
  • what actions you have in the login workflow
  • what happens with the user variables throughout the process (are all variables filled for a second and isAuthenticated true before going back to false for example?)

Without more context, I think you might try to redirect to a blank page after login instead and, on that page, have a workflow on page load that redirects back to the page you want. Not sure it will work but worth a shot!