Issue with Auth0 Authentication Redirection on Specific URL Access

Hello WeWeb Community,

I’m experiencing a challenging issue with Auth0 authentication in my WeWeb project, specifically related to accessing a particular URL while authenticated. I hope someone here can help me troubleshoot this or provide insights if they’ve encountered something similar.

Problem Description:
When I try to access a specific URL directly in my app (e.g.,, the system redirects me to the login page (, even though I am already authenticated. After I log in again, instead of taking me to the intended page, it redirects me back to the home page. This loop prevents me from accessing the desired URL directly.

Current Configuration in Auth0:

  • Allowed Callback URLs:,
  • Allowed Logout URLs:,
  • Allowed Web Origins:,

Does anyone have ideas on what might be causing this or how to resolve it? Could it be a misconfiguration in Auth0 or something in the WeWeb project settings?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hi Damian :wave:

In the Page to redirect after the user signed-in field, you are redirecting them to a private page (Inicio) instead of a public page. You need to create and add an empty public page into this field that has a workflow triggered on page load redirecting the user to the private page as per the warning in our documentation: Auth0 | WeWeb Documentation