Update static collection without manual sync

I want to update collection page data created with static collection. Is there any way to update static collection pages without manual sync?

I know there was a method by calling some sort of WeWeb’s API to “republish” your page, but I haven’t heard about it for quite a while, I think you should consider using dynamic collections with the WeWeb’s metadata API. Otherwise you’ll have to republish the project every time, or try to look around for the workaround, but I haven’t heard about it for quite a while.

Can you guide us more on “Republish API”? we want to use static collection only as it is giving better SEO

Hi, you find more information here => How to use WeWeb Server API | WeWeb documentation

In this documentation request body for " Start the publication of a project" API not given. Can you provide request body also?

I think its what is described as Data, you only have the key env available, so the body payload should look like

  env: 'staging'
// or
  env: 'production'