Static Collections - is the "Hooks to sync WeWeb cache" relevant?

In the context of a STATIC collection, what is the purpose of the Sync all the collection button ?

It is labelled as “Hooks to sync WeWeb Cache_”

I have configured my CMS to fire this webhook whenever a change is made, but it never seems to do anything to the data of my Published app.

Is this button a red herring ? Have I just wasted a week of my life trying to figure out why my data won’t update?

Is there any way to update the static collections without a full-app republish? I understand that this would be impossible if I was ‘pre-rendering’ my project, but I’m not

Yeah I read this before posting. The language/docs are a mess and terribly imprecise.

The last bullet point under Static is beyond confusing -

You need to republish if the data change. Manually or with hooks

What “republish” means is not clear here - is it just republishing the data, or the whole project?

Because there is no “publish project with hooks” functionality anywhere in the UI, nor the docs, etc. That feature was apparently removed sometime ago.

What is in the UI is a button labelled “hooks to sync weweb cache”. Do you see how one could arrive at the conclusion that you can republish just the data based on the available information?

my bad. It seems to be different now. Things change quickly.
Have you tried asking the team in the editor’s chat?

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Hi justifi, the “Hooks to sync WeWeb Cache” for a static collection will not update your published website. The data from a static collection are stored in the files of your website and you will need to publish your whole project again to see the changes live. Static collections have that behaviour for SEO and performance reason.
If you want to include the publication of your project into your processes, you will need to use our public API. You can find the documentation here.
Hope that helps


understood. thanks for clarifying

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