Update on branching plans

Hello there! Last year we were given some of the plans Weweb has to implement some sort of branching system. Me and most of my team come from a traditional web development background and we would love to be able to branch our project the way one does in places like github. Does anyone know if there has been some sort of update or news regarding similar features?


Hi @arturoestradanav :wave:

Yes, improving collaboration is a big part of our Q3-Q4 plans this year. Branching is part of that :slight_smile: A first stage of exploration has taken place. The product team will deep diver into this over the Summer to qualify related tickets.

You can learn more about the upcoming roadmap here:

Thank you @Joyce ! Thrilled to hear about it, will be on the lookout for any new intel. Last question, this last month I have not seen any office hours live streamings on youtube, nor any sort of notification in some other medium, are those suspended for a little bit or are they gone for good?

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Hi @arturoestradanav :wave:

We had the last one of the Summer yesterday (the replay will be live soon). We’re taking a break and planning the next one for September 3rd :slight_smile:

I’m currently updating our events calendar and in-app announcements so it’s clearer for everyone.

Awesome, thank you so much!