Can't bind text color for Select element

Hi there …

1 question and 2 suggestions:

Question: I can’t bind the text color for any of the text elements in the Select element. Clicking the bind icon does toggle the color to purple, but clicking to edit the formula does not open the formula box. Am I doing something wrong or is this broken?

Suggestion 1: remove the strong tags from the Accordion element. Let users style the text as they choose.

Suggestion 2: give the toggle element the ability to be read only. On a standard input field, the ability to dynamically set the read only status allows one to use the same field for reading/viewing and editing. Since the toggle field can’t be set to read only, it makes it harder to use it as an input for boolean data.

Thanks in advance.

On my first question, it is possible to bind the text color on the Select element itself, not on the text elements that the Select element automatically adds. Therefore, please ignore that question.