Supabase Realtime tables / Subscriptions? Multiple tables

UPDATED: Trying to solve this with manually subscribing to Supabase. Currently I’m struggling with multi table listening.


I am having what i think are memory leaks, and one source may be supabase realtime. I have realtime several places, because its nice to see the updates in real time. ie. Task status changes.

I am considering doing a onPageload subscribe, then unsubscribe on unload. This way I can ensure that I get updated live, but more importantly, that i end the websocket connection upon navigating away. Also, I haven’t experimented with this, but where does the data go?

The thing is, I’m binding all my data to a collection, and if i do it this way, then i have to rebind my data? or would i chain a manual fetch on the collection level when listening to changes?

How does weweb handle the websocket connections in case of navigation for example? My working theory is websocket is not terminated.

Hi @Kawwl :wave:

Could you DM me with your project’s link?

I’m going try manually sub/unsub.
The issue I’m facing now is that I want to have one subscription with a filter on multiple tables.

Supabase documentation says this:

But I have yet to have success with selecting multiple tables in WeWeb. Anyone got this?