My supabase collections work normally in real time in supabase. Today I created a view, added it to the weweb, configured it for real time, but the graph does not update in real time.
I did the test on the collection that is not a view and updates in real time, but not on the view.
That’s right? Could it be a bug or is there a trick to make it work?
I’d need to see the setup to be able to tell more
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I don’t think Postgres views work with the realtime feature. Views are a pre-configured query in Supabase and WeWeb checks only the realtime tables via web sockets
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Yeah views and JOINed tables don’t have realtime actually.
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wow, what a shame. Thank you for your help
What you can do, is to listen to realtime and when the realtime updates, fetch the other tables.
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How do I trigger fetching of the other tables on realtime update?
Are the views not supporting realtime a limitation of supabase or weweb?
Supabase by default doesn’t support realtime on views and JOINed tables, it is a Supabase limitation 
Unfortunately this is tough to do with no-code now. @Alexis mentioned they were witholding this feature until Xano comes with a Realtime feature of their own, so I guess you either have to hook yourself to the SDK instance, or just wait till the no-code equivalent comes out.