Styling of radio groups


I’m trying to figure out how to get the radio group to be styled in the same way as this (here I’ve used the single radio buttons):

radio group

I need to have 2 x 5 buttons with text and icon, where you can only select one of them.

Is it possible to style the radio group in this way, or is there a way to group the single radio buttons?

It seems like the single radio element from the UI kit was made to allow customization but is build on top of a checkbox input and not a radio input.

I will create a ticket internally, for now I think the best way to do it would be to create your own no code component by combining multiple checkbox and handling the logic yourself in the component with a variable so you can store the value and reset the others checkbox when one is checked.

Thanks Alexis!

Yeah, I figured that was the case :slightly_smiling_face:

Was there any update on this? This still seems to be the case. It would be ideal to have it be radio input field with option to assign it to a group so that it does not require custom variables to work

I just cam across this today as well and was confused at how to go about styling the radio button. It seems blue is the only color you can use lol

Hey everyone, we’re working on a revamp of the Radio Group currently. It’s going to be the first component that we redefine using our new principles that will allow more customizability. We are hoping to release it in a few weeks.


Thanks for the update Luka - I can’t wait to see the new version!

Hi Luka,
Do you have an update on the component ? thanks

Yes, the Radio Group should come shortly after the release of next week(September 25th).

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Hi @luka ,

Do youhave an update for the new radio ? (or any other component - select /multi-select…)

Hi, facing the same challenge. Any suggestions how to get rid of the blue?