Best way to learn about Radio Buttons and Dropdown Menus?

I want to use radio buttons and dropdown menus in my app, but I’m very confused by these elements. Unfortunately, the WeWeb documentation is no help. When I search for “radio buttons” or “dropdown menu” I get ZERO results.

I saw this post talking about manually binding the radio button (Populating radio button values with street addresses) but I would have thought the radio button would have had parameters like Choice 1, Choice 2 etc.

What’s the best way to master radio buttons & dropdowns? I checked the “Build a Job Board” & “Using the CRM template” videos, but they didn’t cover those. Also checked WeWeb YouTube channel, but no luck.

@Joyce Might be a good subject for a video

@Quentin ? @flo ? - Ideas?

Show us a design/a usecase and we’ll be able to tell you. There is so many uses to things, that’s the beauty of WeWeb :slight_smile:

Here’s a simple example.

You would use a radio button for this, because you want to allow only one choice, it seems, without further context, can’t tell more :d

I figured out how to do that with the radio element. Before I was using the radio button with text element and I couldn’t see any configuration settings. I can’t see any way to enlarge the radio buttons themselves… am I missing something, or is the circle radius baked into that element?

Hmmm… Can’t figure out how to change the color of the radio button when selected - there don’t appear to be any configuration for that…

The native radio element is indeed very limited. That’s why there is another one available based on a checkbox designed as a radio button. The issue is that you’d need to add the logic to be able to select only one. Now that we have the components, we could build a better one. I’m adding it to the list.

@flo any updates on this? Would be great to have a native radio button element where you can change the colors. I tried the workaround with a checkbox and can’t get the circle icon to be perfectly centered upon selection.