Stripe Paiement


I’d like to create a booking via a POST endpoint in Xano when a stripe Paiement is completed. However, because I use the stripe integration, I am redirected to another page whenever the paiement succeed and I can’t send any informations to Xano. Any tips ?


Xano should have resources to set this up and verify the data to check that it’s a genuine request from stripe.

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So you suggest that I do everything in Xano ? Here is my actual workflow.

The best way to know if a payment was successful is using the webhook on your backend. Anything you check on the client can have multiple problems.


Okay, thanks !

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@dorilama so if we receive a payment successful webhook on the backend, what is the easiest way to update the frontend? I know Xano doesn’t have real-time functionality, but showing this immediate update is very important for the user

There are many things you can do. After the checkout you have 2 possible redirects: success and error. On the success page fetch the result of your logic from xano (most of the time the webhook is faster than the redirect). If xano says it’s ok have a success message, otherwise tell the user that you are going to send an email as soon as the payment is confirmed and offer a way to refetch the data from xano or poll it at intervals. On xano verify the webhook data, check the payment and finish any other operation of your logic, then send a confirmation email.

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