State of the Marketplace

Is the marketplace just for UI kits at the moment?

Will the ability for people to sell/share custom Vue.js components be added?

I think that would be huge for Weweb and would give tools like Bubble even fewer advantages.

Hi @carrano_dot_dev :wave:

The first version of the marketplace will include only free templates. We aim to release that v0 in February.

After that, we will iterate to add extension and data source plugins, the option to sell, etc.

We are not sure yet if we’ll be able to include custom Vue.js components in the first version of the marketplace but, if not, it is in our plans to roll out in the months that follow, yes :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Joyce

would be great for WeWeb Agency to share their library to client, would solve partially the solution since we would just have to be invited to provide a given UI library, (and without having to bother the team as it really seem like something with no fun for you :sweat_smile: