SmartSuite - Issue adding Images using REST API

Hi, i’m a beginner and i am trying to find a way to send the images that are captured by my weweb app to ultimately store them in SmartSuite. So for i have tried the Base64 solution along with the REST API plugin but nothing seem to work.

If someone could provide some insignt on this issue, it would much appreciated.

Thank you !

Hi @gdufour :wave:

Do you know what format the SmartSuite API expects the images in?

If not, you might want to reach out to them to ask. (I just had a quick look at their docs here and here but didn’t find the info)

I’m also trying to do the same and I haven’t been able to figure this out. Anyone have any answers?

Hey @Joyce

I’m trying to figure this out as well. I did find this documentation here and here

Hopefully this can help us figure out how to connect images? Please let me know, as this is probably the determining factor in whether my company will use Weweb. Thank you.

For those encountering issues with SmartSuite images, here’s a topic that may help you get started: SmartSuite Integration - Showing Image Fields - #5 by Joyce

If you’re still stuck, I’d recommend reaching out to SmartSuite’s support team so they can help you navigate their API.