Slider : Page icon state


I added a slider, and displayed the page icon.
However, the conditional logic to display the current slide page / other page state is missing.
What should I put in the “conditional logic” of the current page state ?



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Hi JM,

Not sure I understand your question. The slider element should work out of the box, no need to add logic on the arrow icons to navigate through images.

Here’s a short video on how the slider works.

Does that help? If not, would you mind recording a short video walking us through your use case?

Hi Joyce,

Thanks for your answer.
I’m talking about the pagination icons.
I added a slider on a page, and the pagination icon already has a second state (with a different icon color). However, it doesn’t work out of the box: You can see it on this short video

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Ah, got it! It’s a migration issue on our side. Thanks for catching it, we’ll update the element in the Add panel.

You can fix it by replacing the current state name by active:

CleanShot 2023-03-01 at 18.27.57@2x

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Thanks, it works!

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