Simple. Pulling Username from URL Parameter to get Single User Record for a Profile Page

Need some assistance understanding how to GET user data from a parameter in the page URL and how to pass in that data to the page URL.

Hey @adammiko , quick answer is that the variables are listed in the ‘var’ tab when you are binding the data. At 1:19 in the video, you are in the binding config and currently showing the data from the collections, but you can click ‘var’ next to that DB icon to variables.

Now for a longer answer :slight_smile:

Have you watched the weweb academy videos? Really a good place to start and it is fairly quick:

I think you will find that once you get up to speed, you will be just as efficient in weWeb as Bubble, if not faster, plus weWeb mimics real world dev a little closer.

When i approach pulling in data and passing identifiers to other pages to then display detail content, I actually dont use the url paramaters, instead, I use variables and the end points that xano provides.

So when the user clicks on a list item for a specific record (Customer ABC), I save the id of that customer to a variable and then use that variable in my xano collection.

You can then set or pull data from variables using the acitons on the element.
Screenshot 2023-05-22 at 8.09.09 PM

Hopefully that did make things more confusing, any questions just ask away.


Hi! Thank you for the thorough response. I actually went through the WeWeb academy program and am still lost on a number of fronts. This is likely because I learned programming in Bubble and not in real world dev.

In response to this portion of the answer: “When i approach pulling in data and passing identifiers to other pages to then display detail content, I actually dont use the url paramaters, instead, I use variables and the end points that xano provides.”

That’s great! But what happens when one of your customers wants to share a product link and there’s no data in the URL for them to be able to share this information with a friend for example?

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Yooooo. I see you over here! Solid move!!

Yep thats a valid use case… just not one you mentioned :slight_smile:

So using the URL parameter works and is easy enough in weWeb.