How do I set the URL variables / parameters so that the URL works? (missing something obvious here)

I have a dynamic collection of user data ready to go (an array of objects with fields id and name). I am trying to create a profile page for each user with a unique URL.

I’ve read the docs and I have added “id” and “name” as parameters (as per the screenshot above, following the docs)

But now how do I get the collection’s data to talk to these parameters? I hope I am making sense. I’m sorry if this is a “noob” question and I’m missing something obvious…

I have a collection, I have the settings above. Now what do I do to get these pages to work?

Hi, you can start by putting a working default value that will allow you to test your page logic with ease.

Then when you go to your page you should be able to access theses variable in any workflow.

So, usually what you want is perform a request (with REST API or with the collection plugin you’re using) on page load, and use the page variable to get your specific user information. :slight_smile:

For example with Xano :point_down:

Hi @raelyn :wave:

Does this video help by any chance?

If it does, would love to know what got you unstuck so we can improve the written docs as well :slight_smile:

If not, let us know so we can get to the bottom of this!