Is self-hosting beneficial in terms of page views? Will they not count anymore since hosting and the database (XANO) live outside the WeWeb “eco-system”?
What are the main benefits of self-hosting besides speed/location and maybe pricing? Thank you very much.
The main benefit is flexibility, you can use whatever you want to host your service, deploy it anywhere and to answer you - you don’t need to deal with page views. You can also do all sorts of things outside of the WeWeb’s capabiltiies, like modifying files of a PWA, doing multiple domains (with a reverse proxy - even though for that you don’t need to self host). And much much more. Usually you go for self-hosting once you have a reason to do so.
I’d say that if you have to ask - which by the way is not wrong by any means and it’s actually a great to ask - what are the benefits, then probably you don’t need it that much e.g you wouldn’t know what to do with it- other than for your usecase of views of course.
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Thank you very much for the detailed answer
. My main concern was indeed page views, since one of the projects (I plan to have at least 2 projects running in weweb that I am moving from other NOCODE/LOWCODE platforms), could potentially go more than 150k views per month (Fingers crossed
), once it goes well, but of course I would hope by then, to have more than enough revenue for an enterprise plan. As long as the ROI will compensate by a large margin the WeWeb hosting, there would be no need for self-hosting.
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