Selection action in Supbase

How do I select a specific record from a table in Supabase?
Am I missing something or the select action doesn’t let me specific the fields that I want to search from

Can anyone help?

Hi, you’re not missing anything. We are currently reworking the supabase plugins to implement many improvements, including filters on this action.

In the meantime you can either =>

  • Use a collection with filters as a way to fetch your data instead of an action.
  • Use javascript and make the request yourself using the sdk through wwLib.wwPlugins.supabase.instance

Actually, if you’re using RLS, you need to use wwLib.wwPlugins.supabaseAuth.publicInstance, isn’t it Alexis? This one has the authentificated session i think?

wwLib.wwPlugins.supabase.instance and wwLib.wwPlugins.supabaseAuth.publicInstance share the same instance

I see, then I have no clue why I’m using the auth one, thanks for the clarification anyway)

ic. Thanks Alexis!