Supabase colletion: How to set backend filters for columns without loading (select) those columns?

I want to set up a collection that filters a Supabase table. Let’s say I want to filter the table, which has columnA and columnB. I want to load the content of columnA, if columnB is empty. Right now, when using the Supabase Plugin in WeWeb, I need to also select columnB to be able to filter for that column in the next step in the WeWeb UI. When checking the network request to Supabase in the browser developer tools, I see that WeWeb is basically using the Supabase REST API and queries the table with all selected columns. Since in my use case, the table is quite big and has many columns, I don’t want to load all columns before filtering them. How can this be achieved?

I think you’d need either a stored procedure, view or RLS setup to make this work.