Reset a paid project from scratch

Hello, I’ve got a paid plan on my project, but I’d like to reset it all in order to start clean, is that even possible? I saw something like, delete the project, but that sounded very ultimate :smiley: Thanks.

Haha it does sound very ultimate! :smile:

How big/complex is your project? If it’s not huge, I’d probably delete all the pages, variables, collections, and workflows manually.

Otherwise, if you’re 100% sure you’re ok un-publishing the app and won’t be needing anything from that project, you could cancel your plan, delete the project, and start another with a new plan.

I’m wondering about any artifacts from the old app that may affect performance of the new app.
How do the payments work then? Does it take all the month, or just the part and the part of the next? I think this flow/logic should be more worked on :slight_smile: