People find collaboration using the Weweb feature

Hello everyone, I am looking for someone who can work on Weweb with the function in Weweb on an hourly basis and help with individual problems and work through them against a previous offer. Unfortunately, on the platforms I know, you can find people who say they can do that, but want access data from my account. But I don’t want that, because otherwise my personal data would be accessible here. I only want users who can do this via the role that Weweb provides. I’m currently still concerned with the topic of implementing a function from interact.js, but I simply lack the experience here. Can you tell me reliable people who do something like this? Please feel free to contact me.

@raydeck is the to go guy for this at the moment I think. I’m planning to start helping out people with this model also since January, in a much smaller fashion.


Thank you for the kind mention, @broberto! The shape of what you are looking for could be a good fit for State Change and our office hours where we work hard problems together in a group setting over screen shares.

I have 1-1 private consulting too for high-end problems, but I recommend people start with the office hours - the mental model of no-code is that often, we can accomplish a lot with a little!


@raydeck Ultimately for me it’s about function. On the subject. How we get this implemented is actually of secondary importance to me. Our idea was to add something that already exists, it might be easier. How can we communicate? Should I write you an email and explain to you exactly what I need?

It sounds like you want to implement drag-and-drop interface in weweb. Are you looking to be the primary builder of this and want some guidance, or are you looking for someone to implement this for you, with the constraint of not having access to your account?

@raydeck I’m looking for someone to implement the function into our system for me. Basically I guess once and then show how I can use it again, possibly via copy paste. The windows will later be equipped with various buttons and functions. So basically here we go to under the heading Resizing. That’s exactly what I would need. And this is done via the weweb workflow without me having to give out my access data.

That’s super helpful to understand! With that info I think others who do contract development can reach out to you to do this kind of parallel “done for you” build.

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