PDF generator available?

Hello, I saw the PDF generator on the roadmap. When will it be available?

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Hi @Ewerton :wave:

We don’t know yet. Just started exploring the topic to identify use cases and development options :slightly_smiling_face:

Could you tell us more about your use case?


I have a system that I’m bringing from the bubble where the Manager needs to download the result of a collection in PDF. For example. He has equipment and he wants the PDF exactly as it is in the collection. All PDF file information is based on the collection as it appears to the user. In bubble I used a plugin called Pdf conjurer.

here you can see more.


@Joyce, if you are building a PDF generator, something simple to use would be great.
The plugin “PDF Conjurer” that @Ewerton mentions is very powerful but it has a very steep learning curve. It’s also difficult to design the layouts.
Other Bubble PDF plugins that I’ve seen basically use a certain page as a template and generate the PDF from it.


Awesome! Thank you both @Ewerton and @rory. Will pass this on to the product team :slight_smile:


Print CSS support and print capability can generate PDFs quite nicely. Happy to support.
I created a different printable page in my project as separate print css capability was not built in… It is more for a manual workflow… But can easily be adopted for general purpose.


if you’re feelin fancy, you could always try to implement this yourself!


@Joyce are there updates for the PDF generator?
I would be so happy about the tool! :smiley:
Is it on your roadmap in the next 2-3 months?

would be awesome if pdf generator can be made available asap please!! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Hello :wave:

Ok so here’s an update on the PDF generator: it’s unlikely we’ll have a dedicated element for this in the next 2-3 months. HOWEVER, we are working on 2 things that should make it easier for you to generate PDFs in the near future:

  1. a “print” action (not sure what it will be called) that will allow you to generate a PDF from a page or items displayed in a modal for example. We think this will cover 80% of use cases. I don’t have a precise ETA on this at the moment but I think it should be available by year end.

  2. a NPM plugin that will allow you to install and work with the PDF generating library of your choice in the WeWeb Editor (assuming they have an npm install). We expect we’ll be able to release this in the next few weeks :slight_smile:


Something like the CSV plugin would be good or converting CSV to PDF in the workflow would be of great help to me

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@Joyce Do you want to be the best SAAS developer in the world and show us in a quick video how to use such a NPM plugin to populate a custom PDF form :upside_down_face::innocent:


Would be Birthday and Christmas at the same time! :heart_eyes: Is that topic so difficult to handle or what are the parameters?


@Joyce, just wanted to check if the “print” action you describe is available yet or on the roadmap. :pray:


Hi, Joyce! How are you?
I would like a solution for the following: I want to create a container that has the image of a course completion certificate at the bottom and place the user’s dynamic information in texts in this container and have it printed. Do you have any tips? Thanks

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Haha hi guys :wave: Lots of love for PDF generations! :grinning:

Apologies for the late reply. I was on vacation.

Yessss, @das_aaronlein I would very much like to be “the best SAAS developer in the world and show you in a quick video how to use such a NPM plugin to populate a custom PDF form” :smile:

Especially if it’s @tillyboard’s birthday! Happy belated birthday, Fynn!

Unfortunately, I don’t think I will have the time in the upcoming weeks. Creating a mini-course on how to use the npm plugin and another one on how to work with CSVs and PDFs is on our list of tutorials to produce but can’t share a timeline yet unfortunately :confused:

@mikeo, the print action is not available in no-code yet (just followed up with the product team so they can try to prioritize it), but if you “simply” want to print the page, it’s fairly straightforward. Let me know if this helps:

@lianr7 actually I don’t know how to do this but let me ask someone on the team and get back to you on this one. It will require a little bit of JS but I’ll try to make it as digestible as possible!


Hope you had a great vacation Joyce.
Thank you for the answer! We will await the videos eagerly :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I managed to create my own pdf receipt using pdf-lib and my top co-worker chat-GPT. A few things to know;

The instance name is PDFLib.
Ask chat-GPT to do write small sections at a time.
If your wanting to print straight away on a button press this is how you can do it.

createReceipt().then((pdfBytes) => { 
  const blob = new Blob([pdfBytes], { type: 'application/pdf' });
  // Create a Blob URL for the Blob
  const pdfBlobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
  // Create a hidden iframe element
  var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
  iframe.style.display = 'none';
  iframe.src = pdfBlobUrl;
  // Append the iframe to the document body
  // Wait for the PDF to load in the iframe
  iframe.onload = function() {
    // Call print on the iframe's content window
    // Optionally, remove the iframe after printing
    setTimeout(function() {
     }, 2000);

Here’s PDF-LIB’s documentation https://pdf-lib.js.org/

Hope this helps,
Good Luck!


I’ve been using Documint. Its a seperate service that integrates with airtable or any api. https://documint.me/. If you need to create something complex this might be a good resource. Document creation is a Going to play with the save to PDF option in WeWeb. Anything to reduce the amount of third party apps. . . it all starts to add up.

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Hi Weweb Devs.
I’ve put together a detailed guide on how to generate custom PDF documents seamlessly using WeWeb, Xano, and PDFMonkey.

Check it out and enhance your PDF generation capabilities :rocket:

Detailed Guide Custom PDF Documents with Xano and PDFMonkey