Pagination: Data on different pages!

Hello. currently I have pagination set to 10 items per page.

I have a collection that uses filters and the items I want to show can be on “page 1” or page 3".

This collection should show the 2 items to the user, but it doesn’t. Depending on the position it returns empty, sometimes with just one.

How can I show (join) these items in the collection?

There is no point in increasing the pagination to 100 items because the item may still be in position 1 and 101 and one of them is left out.

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I’ve noticed the same issue

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@Quentin any suggestion what to do?

For this specific use-case, you’ll need to handle the pagination and search backend-side, as WeWeb has no clue that the item can be on multiple pages.

What’s your backend for this?

Do you mean your pages have different item count ?

What plugin are you using ? How did you configure your pagination ?

Don’t hesitate to fill a bug ticket if you think you have a bug. Filters should be applied before the pagination so every page (except the last one) should contain the same amount of items, defined à the pagination settings of the collection.

Hello @alexis and @quentin, thanks for responding so quickly.

I will send the video link. Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom

In the video there are three collections.
The one on the left has no filter, it has all the data with pagination of 10 in the backend entry (supbase)

in the center the collection has a filter that takes the day of the week and a V or F that in the example is equal to V

On the right the filter is day of the week and F

I expected to have both results together on the screen.

I may have found a solution for this.
I added two tables in Weweb from the same subbase table.
One with paging for the manager and the other without paging for the user. It worked!

I don’t think this is very good because in addition to having to create two things, you won’t be able to give the user pagination.

In my case it solved the problem