Page not landing at the top in production (works in the editor)

Hello Community, @flo,

I’ve encountered an unexpected behavior when navigating to a new page on our production environment.

While the navigation to the next page works as intended in the editor, in the production setting, the scroll position remains the same as the previous page.

:video_camera: The demo

I’m having difficulty pinpointing the cause of this issue. One approach I’ve considered is using a JavaScript snippet on page load to force the page to scroll to the top, but I’m not entirely satisfied with this solution from a professional standpoint.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance or insights you may have regarding this matter to improve the user experience.

Thank you very much,

Best regards,


Can you screenshot your link settings?

Hello @luka !

Here is a screenshot of the link settings :

On of the main concerns I have, which we found to have in other apps with the same behaviour is the # symbol that appears at the end of the URL. I’ve also attached a screenshot of it ;

Thank you for your assistance,


Would you mind sharing your editor link in my private message? I’ll take a look and debug because I’m not sure what’s really the problem here

I’ve send it, thank you