Bug in production - scrolling

Hi all
Theres a recurring bug with my app (Weweb/ supabase) that many users are experiencing, and I cant seem to figure what the problem is. Was hoping someone may have had a similar experience/ fix.

The scroll function seems to get stuck or not work at all. User aren’t able to scroll below the fold of each page. This happens on multiple pages but always on mobile. Gif below

Context - i havent been able to recreated it on my devices, but can see that it happen frequently to user (with hotjar recordings)


Hey there @waq.war

Do you have information on the user’s device and browser? Do you see any pattern there?
Does this scrolling issue only happens on that page?

Hey jean, unfortunately I dont have much device info other than its mostly Chrome browser, Android13 OS. This has happened on multiple pages, but only seems to happen at display ratios 400 x 578 or smaller

The only other common factor is that the ‘sticking’ point always seems to be just below the initial fold of the screen. always the same place hotjar logs rage taps

That’s a bit hard to debug if we can’t replicate this… A wild guess would be that there is a fixed div on top of the page that prevent users from scrolling. I’ve seen that you have some in your page. Can you make sure that those are not rendered on the page when they should not?