Outseta & Xano AUTH - how to set role?

@Joyce @Michael_Xano -

So, I have a test harness/app built with the Xano Outseta integration for AUTH and I have it working with the Outseta popups for login and signup.

It took me a bit of effort as the documentation for WeWeb & Outseta on the Outseta site is for using the WeWeb AUTH - NOT the Xano AUTH - and the Xano “how to” video doesn’t cover anything re: WeWeb.

I did get on track with help from @karlso & @raydeck over on the amazing Statechange.ai - but Karl was using Outseta page embeds vs pop ups - but ultimately I managed to get it all sorted - and of course it ended up being VERY simple in the end.

Just a lack of documentation / clarity for the WeWeb + Outseta & Xano use case - which I think is a use case that should be more popular. I’ll probably make a step by step write up when I get the last bit sorted (see below) - as I think Outseta offers users a LOT of advantages and features when finally launching an app to public that will save time and money and give much flexibility in plan/price changes, trials, referrals & affiliates, etc.

Where I am stuck now - I want to test having some pages only be able to be viewed by members of a specific PLAN via Roles/User Groups in WeWeb - vs just authorized and non-authorized (logged in) Users which is what I have working perfectly now.

The Outseta Xano integration stores an OBJECT in the User table that contains a UID for which “plan” the User has.

I am looking for little direction on how and where I can use that UID to define the role/user group so WeWeb will show for example - page X only to people who have Plan X and are logged in - and page Y only to people who have Plan Y and are logged in - and other pages to people who have either plan and are logged in.

I assume it’s settings in the XANO AUTH plugin for Role key - but I appreciate any thoughts and/or guidance - best clue I could find shows a ROLE as a field in the User table being set in the XANO Auth plugin under “Role key” - but in my case w/Outseta - I assume I need to look at the “Outseta” field in the User table - which is an object that has a path called “planUid”.

In theory - I could use XANO’s new Triggers functionality - and grab that Outseta planUid when a new user is created and write that into a field called ROLE if the setup in Xano Auth plugin does not support objects/paths - but before I just start hacking - I thought I would ask community …

UPDATE: Yeah, figured it out by having a XANO Trigger (that is set on User table - and triggered when a new User record is added) add a value for the role based on the planUid from the Outseta object in the new record - to a field called “role” in the User table. And I just configure permissions to pages based on user groups (which are based on roles) in the XANO AUTH plugin. XANO Triggers are like Swiss army knives …

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