Xano, Roles, and Private Pages

My Xano user table has an enum list (array) for roles (Master, Admin, Manager, User, Auditor). I setup WeWeb with those roles and upgraded my subscription to allow for roles. Everything works in the editor, but not the published site - I log in, it redirects me successfully to the dashboard, but then it redirects me back to the sign-in page when I navigate to any other page.

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Hey @karlso,

Could you send me the app’s URL (in the editor) in a DM? I’ll send it to our tech team to check if it’s a bug.

Thanks :pray:

DM sent. :pray:

Still no fix for this. Anyone have an idea of what to try?

Hey Karl, that’s super weird and interesting! Seems resistant to forums - up for discussing it live? This is the kind of hard problem that we tackle on State Change office hours. Would love to have you join if it’s still bugging you. Here’s a one-time invitation: State Change Office Hours

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Will do - see you in the office hours soon. Thanks!

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Hello @karlso,

It’s working in the editor because we are not using private access to simplify the development

You define a user group with 4 roles. That means that your user has to have all the 4 roles to be able to access the page. It’s a AND condition and not an OR

You should create a user group for each role, and on each page you can combine different user groups with an OR