On clicking the icon, I require the ability to display or conceal a particular section

I am creating a webpage to present particular information to the user. However, I would like to provide the data in two different formats, allowing the user to select the one that best suits their needs.
I have added icons and associated sections, but I am struggling to implement the feature that allows the user to hide and show one of the formats by clicking.
Is this functionality available on WeWeb? If so, could you please guide me on how to achieve it?
Thank you for your assistance.



You can do it in 2 ways, using the tab element (I prefer) or create a variable and call it in conditional rendering so that when you click on the icon it adds the value to show or not

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Using tab

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Using variable

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@GeovanyNocodeBR I am grateful for the time you have given me and I have decided to proceed with the first solution. :cherry_blossom:

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