[NPM] How Often does the NPM package list in weweb update?

When can I expect a new NPM package to be available through the plugin?

Background: I was quite excited and made an NPM package (better weweb embeds - you all will like it). I confirmed it’s on Unpkg (https://www.unpkg.com/@statechange/scripttag) but the weweb picker is not finding it. Is there an interval it uses for caching the library?

I made it yesterday and today it’s still not getting found. Package is @statechange/scripttag.

Very excited to work with this new functionality! Would be grateful for any thoughts.


I think I might have a starting point. I see that Weweb is searching on api.npms.io, a search engine for packages. The main issues on its github are all “this is missing X package” because of how it caches: Issues · npms-io/npms · GitHub

So this is not a weweb thing, it’s the supply chain. I’ll keep an eye on when/if the package becomes available on npms and -hopefully - Weweb!


Awesome! This is exciting, really looking forward to it @raydeck :grinning: