Hey, I see a new update dropped today. Is there a place to read the full update notes?
Im aware of WeWeb Changelog but it looks like it doesnt have recent changes.
Hey, I see a new update dropped today. Is there a place to read the full update notes?
Im aware of WeWeb Changelog but it looks like it doesnt have recent changes.
There are none
We currently update the changelog page and public roadmap a couple of times a month but are looking into ways we can post release notes on the same day as the release.
In the meantime, here’s what’s new:
Would love your feedback on this: would you be happy having just that info on the changelog page or do you think it’s important we continue to publish articles with links to the user documentation?
What a sensational update. NPM came along .
The example image in the explanation of the npm plugin is not appearing, you can post one or 2 examples just to understand how to use it as it is not in the documentation yet
That is huge! Cant wait to see what people come up with npm
Finally I can use lodash lmao
From what I tested, there are libraries that work with NPM and others that don’t. What is the criteria?
I went to test the lib below but it didn’t work.
From a quick read of the github repo and some post from the team I would say that it works for libraries packed as umd that add an instance to the window and correctly instruct unpkg about what file to serve.
Many libraries will work and also many other will not because a lot of them don’t pack the final version in the required format or don’t declare the files correctly in the package.json.
For example randomstring does not pack the library in the required format, ot assumes that you process the soirce file with a bundler. You can easily check that https://unpkg.com/randomstring resolves to module.exports = require("./lib/randomstring");
which is not going to work as is.
Of course this particular library is meant to be used on nodejs, not on the browser, as it’s clearly stated in its description:
A node.js module for generating random strings
Hi Joyce, yes, the documentation would be very helpful. I arrived at this post from searching the forums to try to find more documentation about the Google Tag Manager plugin. Still not sure where I can learn more about it. In general, it would be super helpful to have more documentation on things; in the past I’ve had to reach out to support to clarify things that I feel like a paragraph or two on the particular feature could have probably answered, and I feel bad about asking (and always search the community first to check). Thanks!
Never feel bad about asking! We’re here to help.
We’re trying to improve our processes so new features (including beta features) are documented as soon as the release is out.
We usually manage to put something out (docs or videos or both) between 1-2 weeks after the release but we’re working hard to shorten that delay. In any case, keep your questions coming!
Alright, here’s a video with a couple of examples using lodash and papaparse.
As this is a beta plugin, we expect you’ll encounter issues we didn’t anticipate. Please do NOT hesitate to share them all with us.
If it’s an improvement suggestion, adding it in this thread would be perfect. I’ll make sure to put together a recap for the product team
If it’s an issue using a specific package or a question about how to do something, I’d recommend creating a new topic with [NPM] at the beginning of the title to help us identify it quickly and look into it. For example, “[NPM] Trying but failing to use xxx package”
As always, we want to make this the best plugin possible and will take your feedback on board so don’t hesitate to ask questions and make improvement suggestions!