Hi everyone, I made a video that shows the loading speed of my app which is really slow I do not understand why even after optimizing everything possible. If anyone has a solution thank you…
Video :
Hi everyone, I made a video that shows the loading speed of my app which is really slow I do not understand why even after optimizing everything possible. If anyone has a solution thank you…
Video :
I don’t think it’s gonna be any faster, that’s how WeWeb works. I posted about this in this thread, and it’s why I wouldn’t do a marketplace of any sort on WeWeb. It just feels weird, especially with dynamic conditions. What you can do is prerender them with static collections, but you would have to republish your page each time for that. With preloading, it would be already served loaded though.
But in this case, how did they do it here? Everything is smooth and without latency
It’s the same thing, they just use a loader for better UX. Your site is running at similar speed. I wouldn’t really worry about this, as there is not much you can do, because WeWeb Apps are client-side rendered. You can just make it so there is nothing blocking the load, this way your page doesn’t block the fetching of the resources I guess.
I also think, that the case when your images are not even loaded, is a Xano issue, because it gives Internal Server Errors sometimes.
Okay, thanks Broberto my bro But it’s not just about the collections, even basic elements like the title, etc., like the static elements, well, it takes time to load, look at the video
Haha, no, don’t worry about that, it’s normal, I just had to fix something with the fetch collection
I think you might want to study on Server Side Rendering vs Client Side Rendering to understand why this is happening. It’s normal with Client Side stuff for the content to load like this, you can’t do much, unless you prerender the content and serve it prerendered, it will always load like this, unless you have some super fast everything and the load is so fast, that you just can’t see it, even if it still loads on the frontend.
Okay, after spending the night learning about CSR and SSR, and after finding out that WeWeb uses client-side rendering, i think the team needs to implement SSR. I think it’s a crucial piece of the puzzle for user experience, especially on large projects like Airbnb-type marketplaces, etc. Because, unfortunately, even with prerendering available, it’s not as satisfying… Adding SSR would propel WeWeb far ahead of its competitors ^^ Feel free to upvote the request here haha: https://feedback.weweb.io/
And if I’m wrong, don’t hesitate to tell me.
My bad, you can get around this by using skeleton loaders, which completely change the user interface and make it much cleaner. If you’d like a tutorial, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Would love to see how you’ve done the skeleton loaders. Right now, I use a single loading graphic/spinner when waiting for dynamic collections to appear but would like to upgrade that at some point to skeletons to give a better experience and avoid the layout jumping.
Same for me !
Hey! no problem here it is
Hey! no problem here it is