I just noticed that, since July update, all the Multiselect fields with option “Allow to create option” (Display advanced options selected) now display the ids of the selected elements instead of their labels like they used to.
It used to work properly before the update, I have not changed anything since.
In the Rôle field (first field), it shows 171 instead of the label role_fr corresponding to id 171.
If I deactivate “Allow to create option”, the label appears properly again. But I need this option to remain activated.
I’m trying to understand your case, here my assumption
You have a multiselect with Allow to create option enabled, your bound to the options a list, but to the initial values you bound custom options entered by the user which are not part of the options list
So here what happens is, as there is no option matching theses values there is no label to display instead of the value and it display the id instead of nothing
So your question is how to display the custom label associated with the values ? If yes, you have to merge the custom options with the common options and bound them to the options of the multiselect.
You can use the merge formula for this, if I misunderstood your scenario you can add more details
Thanks for the detailed reply Alexis - it’s sorted for now.
Earlier I was passing just the field name in the initial value. Instead I binded the field id to the initial value. I figured that the pattern has to be similar to the input value / display for it to work as intended.