Multi-select showing "value field" instead of "label field" (bug?)


I have an issue using multi-select that seems to be a bug, because I’m pretty sure this was working as I expected before. The problem is that multi-select is showing the value of the “value field” instead of the “label field” when selected.

Example: I have this multi select to choose locations. It’s working fine displaying the list with the name of the Locations, however, once selected the tag shows the ID of the location (which is the value field) instead of the name.

Any clues why this is happening? As mentioned, I’m pretty sure this was working as expected before (this is not something that I have configured today, but something that was already configured).

Many thanks and best regards!


Hi @garcilaso !

What is the structure of your collection/array variable, and how do you bind it to Options? In the example below, it works as expected with the correct keys.

Hi @danlopes → I think this is a known bug after the July update:

Can you try binding the initial value variable and enable advance options → allow to create

That then shows the options correctly but the selected options display the value field instead of the labels.

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It worked using @weweb workaround :slight_smile:

Thank you!

btw you don’t need a workaround now - bug has been fixed Multiselect weird behavior since July update - #8 by Alexis