Mentions Style in Rich Text

I am happily using the mentions feature for the rich text input. My question is about displaying the result. How do I indicate in the displayed rich text that a mention was used?

For example:
Instead of: @User, @kyanaloe

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Hey @kyanaloe :wave:

Not sure to fully understand the issue here? Could you maybe elaborate on this?

Yes, thanks @Quentin

So the rich text input works great for allowing users to input mentions using any character. I use @'s for tagging other users in my app.

My question is about displaying the results of those inputs. Right now, when I use a rich text element to display text that was input through a rich text input, the “mention” appears as regular text, like this: @User. In this community, a tagged user has grey shading to indicate that it’s a tagged user. I am wondering if I can accomplish something like the grey shading so that my users can tell when someone is tagged vs. just a regular use of an @ symbol.

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Hi, you can use the same element to write and display the content. Customize the mention like you want it to be displayed! :slight_smile:

Use the readonly mode to hide the menu layout and only display the content

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ohhh perfect! Thanks