Mapbox plugin working in editor but not prod

As per title, I have the Mapbox plugin installed in my project and it works exactly as intended in the WeWeb editor:

No errors in the console, nothing - everything is good.

However in my production app (which uses a custom domain) the exact same element displays like this:

With a console error:
GET,mapbox.mapbox-terrain-v2… 403 (Forbidden)

I also see a “GET 404 (Not Found)” error in the console that I imagine is related but it’s not clear whether it is causing or caused by the 403.

I thought it might be an issue with allowed URLs in my Mapbox access token settings but changes to those settings seemingly have no effect on the issue I’m having.

Is there any difference in how the Mapbox plugin is implemented in the editor vs prod that might account for this? Or is there a move obvious issue I’m missing?

Thank you!

EDIT: I realize my access token is now exposed from that screenshot. I have rotated it accordingly.

Hi @gduteaud

I think you need to add your prod domain to the URL restrictions for your Mapbox access token in Mapbox account settings. If you’ve done this; what format did you use to add the domain? Are there any console errors?