Hi there, I have many question
1- How can I test to which extent you can make a page responsive - like for ipad/mobile/different screen sizes without change in my project design?
2- I can’t link the data if its array I think I should use if function but I don’t know which one ( See the PIC ) I try some function but not working
First I have two table which I link my data in collection list in it ( Array column )
and I use dropdown selecting to sort from other table by specific column in that table ( which is Array column )
I’m following you in this lesson Build a job board with Xano (backend) and WeWeb (frontend) – PART 1 - YouTube
3- Also there this collection list that I post it from Xano is not appear / this if I change the page to a save option
Finally I’m sorry for the longest message but I need to learn it ASAP PLZ
If can I have some email for you to provide some picture
Thank you